5 Tips for the Perfect Picnic

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With International Picnic Day being celebrated today, the 18th of June, we're giving you our tips for the perfect picnic from location to picnicware.
1. Location Location Location
A seemingly obvious but often forgotten factor when preparing to have a picnic is choosing the right spot. There are the don’ts: don’t be near a road, don’t go somewhere with lots of uncontrolled dogs, don’t go somewhere crowded, don’t hike up a huge hill. You want to find a luscious space that’s grassy (so it is comfortable to sit down), and if you can find somewhere with some natural shade that is an added bonus. If worse comes to worst and the weather doesn’t look favourable, set up near home so you can rush indoors.
2. Pretty Picnicware
In terms of kit, you have to strike a balance between having a great aesthetic and going overboard with too much stuff. You must remember that you need to transport it to and from your location so don’t go too over the top. Clearly important is a picnic blanket, we think the bigger the better as then everyone is comfortable. Next come plates and bowls, ones made of plastic or paper simply aren’t good for the environment, you can purchase really pretty reusable crockery and glasses that will last you forever. Baskets are the iconic picnic must-have, but something more flexible such as our Pale Fox tote bag (find here) is just as useful.
3. Light Bites
Forget about the 3-course menu when having a picnic, it is all about laying out some dishes which you can pick at and sharing. A few big salads and antipasto boards will be suitable, alongside some brownies or meringues and some berries if you want to add some English traditions to your Italian food. One thing we’ve always found helpful and always managed to forget is a cutting board and a slightly sharper knife for items like bread and cake. Nevertheless, most of the preparation should be done at home as it will make your afternoon a lot more enjoyable.
4. Cold Drinks
Don’t forget the drinks! Prosecco is clearly a necessity for us, we like to go all out and use our Wild Strawberry Spritz Kit (find here), which comes with all you need for you and five friends. This kit removes the hassle of everyone transporting lots of different bottles. You will also need a variety of soft drinks to keep everyone hydrated. Keeping these drinks cool is normally an issue, so stock up on ice or a cool box as warm drinks aren’t pleasant.
5. Afternoon Activities
We enjoy eating (and drinking!) as much as the next person, but picnics do tend to last longer than your average meal. If you intend on spending your afternoon lazing on a picnic blanket, we don’t blame you at all. However, a few casual games never go a miss, a frisbee and a simple game of boules will provide entertainment for longer than you expect. All the while for those who want to sit and chat some chilled songs will bring a nice atmosphere and maybe even some dancing, so our Spotify playlist (find here) might come in handy.
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