Our Top 5 Christmas Prosecco Cocktails

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Nothing says Christmas quite like a festive cocktail. To help you celebrate the holiday season in the only way we know how, we have compiled a list of our five favourites for you to enjoy with family and friends.
1. Stone Fruit Fizz
Cognac and apricot jam combine with our prosecco superbly to produce a comforting tipple with a foamy texture. A delicious one to impress the family with on a quiet Boxing Day evening.
50ml Cognac, 1 Tbsp Apricot jam, 1 Egg White, 20ml Lemon Juice, Pale Fox to Top
Glass & Garnish
Coupe from Freezer
Shake all Ingredients except Pale Fox, Double-strain, Top with Pale Fox
2. Pantry Sour
Lemon curd is one of those jars that seems to be in every pantry (or can at least be had for pennies) but rarely seems to come out. Here, by shaking it into the drink it adds sweetness, depth, and a wonderful texture. The punchy flavour guarantees its success with guests!
100ml Pale Fox, 10ml Orgeat, 10ml Lemon curd, 10ml Lemon Juice, 5ml Sage Syrup
Glass & Garnish
Shake all but Pale Fox, Double Strain, Top with Pale Fox
3. Sloe Gin Fizz
Sloe gin is a winter favourite and this is a great way to serve it. Sloes are tiny berries that grow wild in hedgerows, and when infused in gin their flavour transforms from harsh to pleasantly tart. The apricot brandy adds an extra dimension of stone fruit while the Pale Fox uplifts the otherwise rich liqueurs making for a delightful drink.
100ml Pale Fox, 15ml Sloe Gin, 10ml Apricot Brandy
Glass & Garnish
Champagne Flute
Stir all but Pale Fox, Strain into flute, Top with Pale Fox
4. Mr Fox
Looking for a drink to toast with on New Year’s Eve? Our three-ingredient Mr Fox is a simple yet sophisticated choice. The sugar cube creates an exciting spectacle of bubbles in the flute and the cognac adds a wintery edge to the elegant libation.
20ml Cognac, Angostura-soaked Sugar Cube, Pale Fox to Top
Glass & Garnish
Champagne Flute, Star Anise (Optional)
Dash Angostura onto Sugar Cube, Add Cognac, Top with Pale Fox, Add Garnish
5. Cranberry Spritz
A bright bubbly cocktail that is certain to boost the Christmas spirit! It is pleasantly spiced with a nice tart note from the cranberry juice, which is balanced with orange bitters that remind us of Christmas.
100ml Pale Fox, 25ml Cranberry Juice, 1 Dash Aromatic Bitters, 2 Dash Orange Bitters
Glass & Garnish
Add all Ingredients except Pale Fox, Stir, Top with Pale Fox