Self Care Sundays

The idea behind self-care Sunday is simple: take one day of the week and dedicate it to your self-care in any and all ways. We’re sharing a few of our top tips below but you’ve got to figure out what’s right for you as self-care can mean different things to different people.
It's All About Balance
Balance is important throughout the week, but Sundays are the best place to start. You may have had a heavy Saturday and woken up not on top form. That’s okay, just take it easy today, if you want to drink concoct on of our non-alcoholic Mountain Spritzes instead of something stronger. Balance isn’t just confined to drinking, you could try a digital detox too.
Good Food
Enjoy a comforting meal with friends and family in the early evening. Carve out some time on a Sunday to create a delicious set of dishes, a roast in the winter is a weekly requirement for many as it allows you to enjoy some quality time around the table. Instead of accompanying it with your usual glass of red wine why don’t you swap it out for a glass of Pale Fox Alcohol Free? This gives you the same sense of occasion but your mind will remain completely clear.
Secondly, you could also prep and plan your meals for the upcoming week. Doing a weekly shop or getting a food delivery always helps take the stress out of a busy Monday and often helps you to hit your nutritional targets.
Plan Plan Plan
Whether you usually journal or are a meticulous to-do lister there is no better time than a Sunday. We suggest you use a planner such as the ones from Papier. Planning doesn’t have to include long-term goals, but a checklist of small tasks for the week that can make you feel like you are heading in the right direction. Sadly planning often includes cleaning on a Sunday, nothing screams adulating more than that. Just a manageable quantity of sprucing up your living space will make you feel prepared for the week ahead.
Take a Stroll Outside
You don’t have to lift weights or do anything extreme if you don’t want to, but getting outside on a Sunday is a must. Taking a stroll around your local park can be a positive way to release endorphins and make sure you don't fester on the sofa all day. If you don’t have anyone to join you on your walk a podcast makes great company, our current favourite is Teach Me a Lesson with Greg James and Bella Mackie.
Just Relax
We expect that you had a lie in, as you should, so don't be afraid to hit that snooze button. Plan to get a little extra sleep on a Sunday, especially if your average day involves waking up early. Even an extra half-hour can do wonders for your mentality for the whole day and even upcoming week. Don’t keep it to just sleep, it’s a cliche but have a bath and light some candles (shop our favourites here) but it’s a cliché for good reason. A luxurious bath can also be improved with a glass of sparkling wine and a good book!
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